Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976)

"Does your dog bite?" (Inspector Clouseau)
"No" (Shop keep)
Dog bites Clouseau.
"I thought you said your dog did not bite." (Clouseau)
"That is not my dog." (Shop keep)

" And third, that my hand is on fire." (Clouseau)

I thought for my what I assume is my 101st post, I would watch yet another Pink Panther. Undoubtedly this one is the silliest of the lot. So, naturally, I find it amazing. (It could also be that my parents had a bootleg copy of this movie that I watched many times as a child.) It's a Pink Panther so of course everyone should watch it. Is it a ground breaking and historic movie of merit? No. But, it does have Kato, a fabulous hunchback costume, Dreyfus and his dooms day device, the hideous screws on a chalkboard torture, that unnecessarily silly attractive Russian assassin, an Octoberfest full of ridiculous killers, and,of course, The Pink Panther song.


Comedic gaggers: see it

Simpsons writers: you had to have seen it. (I hope all the gags of Clouseau trying to get across the most made their way into episodes.)

Accenters: a must

Costumed Assassins: see it

Hunchbacks: ok you might want to skip this one.

On a scale of 1 hour in Helsinki to 12 hours in Helsinki, I give The Pink Panther Strikes Again 3.4 out of 5 stars.

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