Saturday, December 8, 2012

The King's Speech (2010)

"We don't pop." (The queen mother)

While, I do enjoy historical dramas.  I don't normally enjoy "based on a true story" historical relationship dramatizations.  Somehow, my interpretations, and expectations are never met.  Admittedly, I went into this movie with basically no knowledge of the history of the British monarchy before QEII. So, that's probably why I found The King's Speech to be well-crafted, personable, and touching.

I'm not sure why, but I actually wasn't all that impressed by Colin Firth's performance.  Admittedly, he had an impeccable stutter and I loved the bit when he became a penguin, but I thought the real acting stars were Helena Carter and Geoffry Rush.  Mrs. Carter was impeccable as my idea of the mother monarch back in the 1920s and 30s.  Her accent and acting decisions coupled with the way the character was written are a perfect compliment.  "ah- The Johnsons?"

As for Mr. Rush, as an American I, often to my own peril, sometimes forget that not all Englishmen are alike.  (My head is often full of stereotypes.  I'm sorry, but....I always think of British TV as Benny Hill hahaha.)  And I also then fall into the trap of lumping all formerly British Colonies (Not USA or Canada) into one giant conception of "British".  So, when Mr. Logue keeps getting rebuffed by the Brits for being an Aussie or being "from the colonies", it was welcome slap in the face of my simplistic generalist understanding of British society.  I also enjoyed they way Mr. Rush played into his outsiderness in the face of the Archbishop of Canterbury (Derek Jacobi).  "They've all been knighted." (Prince of Wales) "Makes it official then." (Lionel Logue)


Speech pathologists:  I'm sure it goes against all teachings..but See it anyway.

Actors:  See it

British Mums:  See it and live out the whole "Queen is going stop over for tea scene."

Churchill:  Is it a law that you have to be in every British movie?

Short of attention span?:  Skip it   (How did you pay attention long enough to read my blog post to this point?)

On a scale of Demosthenes to chubby bunny, I give The King's speech 3.8 out of 5 stars.


  1. Only 3.8! I was straight blown away by every scene between Rush and Firth. Also, if you want a laugh, imagine each of those scenes if Rush had been in the character of Captain Barbosa at the time.

  2. I really liked it as well, but I agree with Zachs 3.8 out of 5. A better daydream would be Geoffrey Rush in his character from Warriors Way. Falling down drunk and losing his pants the whole movie
