Wednesday, December 26, 2012

13 Assassins (2010)

"How can you kick his head? He gave his life for you." (Shinzaemon Shimada)

Upon watching 13 Assassins I've once again realized an immutable truth.  One can never be completely debt free.  EVER.  Try as one might to be completely independent, self-sufficient, and a rock, one will always owe those that came before more than one can ever repay.  My life is built upon the sacrifice and genius of centuries of ancestors.  I cannot repay all that they have given to me.  Impossible.  

Which leads to my point.  13 Assassins is a very good movie.  Its direction is superb.  Its actors are spot on.  The sets, costumes dialog, shot selection, and story are impeccable.  But, I recommend everybody watch "The Seven Samurai" first.  I think Takashi Miike (the director) might even agree.  The debt that 13 Assassins owes to its cinematic forefathers is insurmountable.  This is not in any way a "slam" on the movie.  It is not.  For me to state that one should watch one of the TRUE CLASSICS in order to appreciate 13 Assassins is a compliment.  From here on out, all other samurai films will be judged on 13 Assassins as a worthy part of the pantheon.

I would also like to say that I appreciate the craft and dedication that went into making 13 Assassins.  In Takashi Miike's other movies, "Audition", "Ichi the Killer", "Visitor Q" I've always left feeling rather queasy.  It's not that I didn't respect or appreciate those movies.  I just have little interest in watching them again.  (Please, don't make me go back there.)  I was not surprised at Takashi Miike's ability to change styles, sequences, themes, and procedures, but I was surprised that he took on such a seemingly tame project.  My respect for Takashi Miike has increased.


Samurai wannabes:  See it

SMAP lovers:  See it -OK so I have in the past always ragged on Inagaki Goro as being the weakest member of SMAP, but his portrayal of the evil lord Naritsugu is chilling.  天晴れ!!

Yakusho Koji:  Take a bow.  You, too, were awesome.

Real swords men: Skip it.  This movie is about movie swordplay.  It looks great and is emotionally fantastic, but not real.  (I don't care.)

Kurosawa-sama:  See it.  I think you would appreciate where your legacy has gone.

On a scale from, bad natto that you found in the back of a 711 at the end of the day to perfectly prepared rice from Nigata prefecture with just a touch of moon salt, I give 13 Assassins 4.2 out of 5 stars.  


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