Saturday, February 11, 2012

Toy Story (1995)

I hadn't watched this in about a decade. It has aged miraculously.  The jokes are still funny today.  That is hard.  Other things I noticed were; Toy Story is a short movie. (1 hour 16 minutes) , Joss Wheadon wrote Toy Story.  (It shows.), and oooooooooo The Claw.  -type in "oooo the claw" into google images and right near the top will be those amazing spongy three eyed alien toys from Toy Story-  Watching the story line closely, I find that Toy Story is really a tour de force in having one main theme and sticking to it no matter what.  I think the theme of this movie was abandonment.  (Shocking, that a movie for kids would have such a sad sad theme.)  The writers, producers, and director even seemed to set thematic focus from the very beginning and not deviate.  Without that drive,  Toy Story might have been just a technical marvel instead of true classic.


Kids 2012:  See it

Kids 1984:  Saw it (all of you!)

Kids 1951:  See it

Social Psychologists:  See it

Got love?:  See it

On a scale from Emperor Zurg to Ming the Merciless, I give Toy Story 4.1 out of 5 stars.  


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