Friday, February 17, 2012

Terminator Salvation (2009)

I can't ever really remember being more whelmed by a movie.  Not overwhelmed.  Not underwhelmed.  Just whelmed.  Terminator Salvation could not stand on its own as a movie without the rest of the franchise.  However it was not a particularly bad movie.  It just was.  This is not a slight on Christian Bale.  He did a reasonable job with wooden dialogue.  This is a slight on Moon Bloodgood.  Who I feel should get another chance but woefully missed the mark in this movie.  The real problem with this movie was that I already knew the plot from the other segments.  The movie did nothing to tell the audience that what we assumed was in fact wrong.  Audiences have to "not believe" the other installments in order for Salvation's plot to be able work.  They failed.  Additionally, I bust out laughing because Skynet looked an awful lot like the factory levels of Donkey Kong Country for N64, unnecessary fire spewing barrels and all.


Newsie fans:  Skip it

Arnold:  There is a bad CG version of you. Skip it

Action fans:  Skip it

Fan Boys: See it and go home saying "Meh".

Back in time to save this movie:  Try harder

On a scale of T1000 to T800 to T1M at the Tokyo Terminator ride, I give Terminator Salvation "meH" out of 5 stars.

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