Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (1964)

There are movies that are simply funny.  There are movies that have made me want to pee my pants from laughing.  There are movies that promote euphoric hysteria.  Then there are movies that are so funny they inspire no laughter only dead serious hysterical contemplation of reality.  Dr. Strangelove is the one of these.  It falls flatter today than in 1964, I have no doubt.  We live in a different age and political satire has a lifespan.  What I can say is that the most I uttered was a stilted guffaw when Peter Sellers finally makes his appearance as Dr. Strangelove.  (It really is quite uproarious.)  The shot selection of the movie was impeccable.  Kudos, Stanley Kubrick.  Peter Sellers excels in every one of his many roles.  And if anyone ever wondered where the iconic image of a man riding an A-bomb like a bull as it plunges to its target came from.  It was from this movie.


JFK:  Didn't see it.  Watch it from Heaven

Nixon: Skipped it on principle (I would think.)

Peaceniks:  See it

Students of Strategic Decisions: See it

Curtis LeMay:  Skip it

On a scale of KumBaya to Ballad of the Green Beret, I give Dr. Strangelove 3.9 out of 5 stars.


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