Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blazing Saddles (1974)

I agree with Gene Wilder.  Sometimes eating makes me sick.  Somehow I forget how forward and strangely appropriate Mel Brooks can make racism.  The movie plays it so tongue in cheek.  "We'll take the blacks.  But, not the Irish!"      Oh yes and the farting scene is still hilarious.  In the end, Blazing Saddles is the perfect showcase for 40 -50 bit vaudeville scenes that some how come together to make a classy and shameless motion picture.  Lastly, I just have to go on a bit of a rant about how much I love Harvey Korman.  He's just hysterical.  My ultimate shtick pairing is him and Tim Conway.  Blazing Saddles is a stunningly funny performance by Mr. Korman as Heady.....HEADLY Lamarr.  I would gladly pledge allegiance to the evil for which he stands.

Beserkers:  See it

4th wall breakers:  See it

People who do Voodoo so well:  See it

Find slightly abrasive offensive comedy offensive:  Skip it

Sheriffs:  See it

On a scale of Power Rangers to Voltron, I give Blazing Saddles 3.3 out of 5 stars.

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