Sunday, October 14, 2018

Moana (2016)

Image result for moana

Tamatoa: Well, Tamatoa hasn't always been this glam
I was a drab little crab once.

Ground-breaking music but not a new story. Yet, the creators and actors are authentic artists and produce something of joy; a worthwhile experience.

I may be behind the time, but I think Lin-Manuel Miranda is talented. Just a hunch.

Usually, I am much more of traditionalist, musically. I like symmetry, repetition, choruses, catchy melodies, and structure. And Moana by design pays only lip service to these concepts. Yet, the music is gorgeous. It is free and unencumbered.

Allegories are specious at best, but what do you all think about Moana being a more mythic take on Ferngully:The Last Rainforest?  Islanders are more likely to be affected by climate change on this planet and I drew parallels between Moana's impetus for restoring the heart of Tafiti and a global need to see our planet as alive. (and angry.)

3.9 out of 5 stars. 

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