Friday, October 26, 2018

Camelot (1967)

Image result for camelot movie

"RUN boy!" -Wort

I am a fan of musicals. I think that my record (see the rest of this blog) is pretty clear on that. I even generally advocate for film adaptations to do their best to adhere to their source material for fidelity. However, there are times when this can go to far. Camelot is one of those.

Honestly, the film adaptation wastes all kinds of opportunities that are only available on film in favor sticking to the play, and thus the whole movie comes off as interminable and boring. I think its run time is about 3 hours excluding an intermission and an overture. *That's basically as long as the play version that I was a part of in 2002.

As the 11th best grossing film of 1967, I can understand why it has fallen into the blurs history, but the music is pretty good and that should count for a little.

2.7 out of 5 stars.

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