Thursday, November 10, 2016

Star Trek Beyond (2016)

Spock: Lt. Uhura wears a Vokaya amulet which I presented to her as a token of my affection and respect.
Bones: You gave your girlfriend a radioactive jewelry?
Spock: The emissions is harmless, Doctor. But its unique signature makes it very easy to identify.
Bones: You gave your girlfriend a tracking device?
Spock: [realizing] That was not my intention.

I consider Star Trek Beyond the manifestation of a disturbing trend for commercial film, but also for the Star Trek Franchise. 

I am a Star Trek fan.  My favorite series is DS9. My Captain ranking is Sisko, Picard, Kirk, Archer, Janeway. My favorite species are the Cardassians.  So, I speak from a place of some fan authority when I say:

Star Trek Beyond is not a Star Trek Movie. It is a reasonable science action film; perfectly acceptable; but not a Star Trek movie. 

There have been good Star Trek movies (II, IV, VI, First Contact), marginal ones (V, Generations), bad ones (III, Nemesis), and execrable ones (looking at you "The motion picture", and Insurrection). But it is my contention that since the JJ Abrams reboot, Star Trek has lost its core and descended into indistinguishable sci-fi. 

For me, the core of a "Star Trek" movie is that ultimately it has a higher purpose. They exist to teach us something valuable. A "Star Trek" movie draws parallels to the real world; has opinions about ethical, societal, or emotional problems.  "Star Trek" in my mind means exploring, learning, and discovery for the audience and the crew. Star Trek IV is synonymous with saving whales. V is a journey to find god. VI is an allegory about the end of the Cold War.  These films and episodes have meant something. 

I do love JJ Abrams, but his versions of Star Trek lack the soul of their predecessors. We learn nothing.  The films state no opinions.  They exist to entertain.
I understand how focusing on visual effects, explosions, and character wit, can create a movie that appeals to everyone.  But, it makes me sad that the venerable Star Trek has succumbed to forces of commercialism at the expense of meaning.
 On a scale of Warp 1 to Warp 9.9 sling-shot around a sun, I give Star Trek Beyond 2.0 out of 5 stars. 

oh and here is a video of Karl Urban doing Dancing Queen. LINK

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