Thursday, November 24, 2016

London Has Fallen (2016)

SAS SGT: There's more than 100 terrorists in there!
Mike Banning: Yeah? Well, they should've brought more men.

So LHF is nothing special.  Nothin. Everyone has seen this movie before. 

But, it did make me consider some critical questions about America, cinema, and global politics. 

America: If I were a Brit or really any other nationality, wouldn't I consider it kind of arrogant and strange for a pro-america film to take place and destroy somewhere else? Imagine if a film about a French secret service agent protecting the French President devolved into the destruction of iconic symbols of Washington DC and New York City. It would seem strange, but if America does it...everyone seems ok with it.  There have apparently been enough movies like this for no one to take notice of its rather troubling premise.  It's like a film was made on the utter surety that "We're #1" around the world, so we can destroy whatever. 

Cinema: Boy, have we perfected the Secret Service shoot 'em up. LHF in this regard is spectacular. It is the pure essence of mindless patriotic defensive based violence. It's like there is formula and they just followed it. President+Terrorist+Guns+Government traitors+A good hearted secret service agent about to a be a father=a repeatable recipe.

Global Politics: Don't other nationalities and specifically other heads of state just start to feel marginalized by American films? The American President always survives, but the Japanese know he's not going to make it. German Chancellor? Goner. Leader from outside of the G20? -absolutely no chance.  This hierarchy of importance may not serve to re-enforce the natural order in the way that merits cooperation. 

On a scale of NFL to EPL, I give London Has Fallen 2.3 out of 5 stars. 

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