Thursday, November 24, 2016

Bad Words (2013)

This post will be explicit and full of potty mouth. In case my mother or anyone with delicate ears reads my blog, you've been warned. ( I don't recommend Bad Words for you either.)

"Why don't you take your potty mouth, go locate your pre-teen cock-sucking son and stuff him back up that old blown-out sweat sock of a vagina and scoot off back to whatever shit-kicking town you came from!" -Guy Trilbi

I don't like to swear. I find it crass in most situations. However, I think swearing can also be versatile, potent, endearing, playful, funny, and cathartic. Part of the reason to have defined bad words is to use them to emphatically express with all the precision of a dull surgical axe the things we truly mean. Fuck, Yeah! (Bad Words is not the greatest example of coarse script writing I have ever seen, in fact it's pretty mild, but the juxtaposition of the Spelling Bee with double-teamed menstruating whores gets me to the topic at hand.)

Bad Words is actually an engrossing movie, but most of that is through the consistent and, often brilliant, use of cunts, twats, fucks, shits, dicks, and more in front of children. The gross factor of the script is pretty fucked up. In my mind, after they finished the first draft, I think the writers went back and added an expletive or horrifying descriptive metaphor where ever they could. I would have fun with that as a writer because I'm the kind of guy that finds the idea of pushing a small child off of a tall unicycle during a parade and then farting directly into their tears, hysterical. (mwhahaha).

I also want to congratulate Jason Bateman. This was his directorial debut. He did a great job. Scenes were clean. Camera positions well chosen. Transitions were tight. I do wish he had found a way to withhold critical mystery information till later in the film, but that's a small thing.  I hope he directs other films.

Oh, and Allison Janey, please be in anything you want in any role you want.

On a scale of Douch-baggery to Skull-duggery, I give Bad Words 2.7 out of 5 stars. 

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