Saturday, January 11, 2014

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

"Nuclear Wessals." (Chekov
"Everybody remember where we parked." (Kirk)
"We are going to attempt time travel.' (Kirk)

In my ongoing quest to watch movies from the 80s after 2am, I notch another Star Trek movie: number IV, the one with 1980's San Francisco and an Eco-message about whales.

I couldn't really count how many times I have seen The Voyage Home, but it used to be on TV every Earth day so....(Hmmm why doesn't that happen anymore?)

Star Trek IV is one of the most watchable of the franchise.  It's mostly funny, entirely campy, and hammers home man's future need for biodiversity. Obviously, it star Shatner at his Shatnery best and is integral part of the theory that if you travel back in time you invariably have to travel to 1980s San Francisco.

Technical Elements:  For a Star Trek movie, The Voyage Home is not a special effects power house.  In fact, it lacks any real special effects.  It does have one proto-morphing sequence when time travel occurs that looks hokey now, but must have been cool in 1986.  I did not know that it was directed by Leonard Nimoy.  I looked it up and he also directed the passable 3 Men and a Baby in addition to the unimaginably terrible Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.


Trekkies:  Duh
Earth Huggers:  Of course
Serious Cinophiles:  Don't bother
Scientists: Nope
Topic for a first date?:  Definitely

On a scale of 1980s rent in San Francisco to current rent prices in San Francisco, I give Star Trek 3.48 out of 5 stars.   

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