Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

"The line must be drawn.  Here, here and no further!" (Jean-luc Picard)

In part 2 of my Star Trek athon, the noble crew of the Enterprise E travel back in time to confront the Evil Borg and wrestle with the virtues of humanity's place in the stars.  Of the Next Gen movies this one is the clear winner.  The baddies are actually bad, the writing not so wooden, and the jokes reasonably funny.  I liked the space walk battle sequence and basically any time Picard yells.

I'm going to venture off now and muse about a growing trend in Origin Stories.  Lots of movies now days seem to insist on an back story for original motivation in any movie.  Tony Stark is atoning for his previous playboy decadence and achieving respect from his father.  The Wolverine feels betrayed for loves lost.  Yada yada yada.  But, now that I think about it, the Borg don't have a back story.  They are just evil.  Pure. No conscience.  Only perfection.  Part of me wishes the creators of the Start Trek Universe to create a back story, but somehow  the mystery and juggernaut mentality of The Borg might be lost.  I will give credit to Stargate SG1 for the origins of the replicators.  One android was lonely and shunned.  It made friends.

Collective Farmers:  See it
Rock and Rollers:  See it
Revisionist historians: See it
Cameo spotters:  Adam Scott, James Cromwell and a litany of other Trek alumni
Screen writers:  Witness how dumb and ham handed Worf is thrown into the movie, then think about how little anyone cares.

On a scale from Greatest in the World to the Champions of all time in this ominverse, I give Star Trek: First Contact 3.6 out of 5 stars.

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