Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Star Trek: Generations (1994)

"Computer! Remove the plank!" (Commander William T. Riker)

Ughhhhh so I went on a binge of Star Trek movies over the holidays and now my blog is going to be filled with movies of general insignificance.

Star Trek Generations is at best a B+, 3 part TNG episode that some how got made into a feature film.  It stilted and quirky (especially Mr. Data). If it weren't for the destruction of the Enterprise wouldn't have been all that thrilling.


Cameos: Alan Ruck (Cameron from Ferris Bueller), Malcom McDowell (Cray Cray, Obvi), and Tim Russ (I assume for continuity with that one flashback Voyager episode.)

Shatner:  *Is will William Shatner in this movie? (Crow T Robot.)
                No (Tom Servo)
                Whew, we're safe. (Crow T Robot)

Fans of pure joy:  Skip it. Picard and Kirk's nexus fantasies of pure joy are actually kind of lame.

Plot hole busters:  Of course.  They can go to great lengths to create new better eyes for Geordi LaForge, but Picard is still bald?  They can't cure male pattern baldness?  Or wait. is Picard bald by choice?

Curse breakers:  See it.  I believe this movie to break the curse of that odd numbered Star Trek movies are abysmal.  This one is just mediocre, but with Shatner and Stewart.

On a scale of "Trilithium" to Unobtainium, I give Star Trek: Generations 3 out of 5 stars.


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