Friday, January 24, 2014

モスラ対ゴジラ aka Godzilla vs The Thing (1964)

"You see.  Proof that a politician keeps his word. We will have everything complete on schedule." (Some random bombastic politician berating the press after the original typhoon disaster.)

Whoa!  Talk about your utterly ridiculous retro nonsense.  Watching Mothra vs Godzilla is an utter treat. -Especially for the power nerd well versed in Japanese cinema and location tropes.  I'm going to break down my review into two parts:  The technical (dry) elements of the movie, and then the actual lunacy that transpires on screen.

Mothra vs. Godzilla has some really interesting and funny technical elements to discuss.  First, I have never witnessed a more wretched and boring opening sequence.  It is an interminable suffering of waves and water that possibly cost a large percentage of the total budget. -Seriously, it begins with what I can only describe as Noah's Japanese deluge. Second, there are some very neat camera and editing tricks throughout the movie that allow for composites of live action the tiny creepy twin women who sing the odes and joys of Mothra.  And third, I appreciate the sincere effort of Ishiro Honda to not make all Kaiju movies the same.  Mothra vs Godzilla allows for creative DESTRUCTION and still finds ways to keep it interesting with creative pacing and threats to small children.

Now for the fun. If you have an open heart and soft spot for poor dubbing, Mothra vs Godzilla is a classic.  It combines just the right amount of 60's Japanese masculine and feminine characters, rubber monsters destroying obvious miniatures, (Point of interest: in this movie, Godzilla does not destroy Tokyo.  He actually destroys Nagoya.  There are some neat scenes of him pounding on Nagoya castle while mobs run and scream.), and a heaping dose of scantily clad "natives" who believe in the god Mothra and blame civilization for laying waste to their lush island with the horror nuclear fallout.  It is an ironic iconic romp.

Finally, I want to make a fun connection for you all.  See if you can hear the musical connection between these three. (the first minute)

I think you will smile.  

On a scale of 大阪to大魚, I give モスラ対ゴジラ aka Godzilla vs The Thing 3.0 out of 5 stars.

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