Friday, August 31, 2012

Bottle Shock (2008)

"You think I'm an ass, and I'm not.  It's just that I'm British, and you are not." (Steven Spurrier -Alan Rickman)

Besides the one glaringly bad aspect of Bottle Shock and some minor plot questions, a good cast pulls of a movie about a story that didn't seem to have enough muscle to merit a movie.  Nice job.

And the award for the worst wig I have seen since John Travolta's in Battlefield Earth..goes to-(Drumroll)-  Chris Pine's terrible locks in Bottle Shock in 2008.

No seriously, the wig is so bad it jarringly knocked me out of the story and my interest more than a dozen times.

Beyond that, I was slightly confused as to why the love interest, Sam, in the context of Bo and Gustavo was included in the story.  Obviously, Sam may have been extremely important the actual events in 1973...but as far as the movie goes, a lot of the character's and their plots were somehow superfluous to the main story line.  (Bradley Whitford shows up for a memorable 4 minutes....only to never be seen again.)


Vinophiles:  Sure,  indulge yourself

Snobby Vinophiles:  You shouldn't lower your standards

Love Alan Rickman?:  See it

Passionate about your work?:  See it

On a scale of Pinot to Poirot, I give Bottle Shock 3.3 out of 5 stars.

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