Sunday, August 12, 2012

Under Siege (1992)

"All my life, Saturday morning cartoons; the best."  (William Stranix -Tommy Lee Jones)

Ohhh Steven Seagal,  I simultaneously don't watch enough of your movies, and should forget that I have seen  most of your movies.  Interestingly enough, Under Siege is the least formulaic of all the Steven Seagal movies I can remember.  There are notable and credible actors that perform with Seagal-(Nick Nolte, Tommy Lee Jones, Colm Meany).  Most other Seagal films can't attract other actors.  The movie does not end with the classic round-house kick.  (I was shocked!!)

There were highlights and laudable things about Under Siege. (Yup). Some of these were Tommy Lee Jones,   the Seagal fight sequences, the writing, and the explosions.  If I didn't mention it in the above list, it was wretchedly bad.

Tommy Lee Jones:  I honestly forgot that you were in this film, and that you were without question the best actor and most interesting character in the movie.  I think the idea of a slightly deranged post-yet wannabe Vietnam era warrior on a mission to make a little money and show the world its failings is very interesting.  I wonder if they will just make the character wish he had been in Iraq when they remake this movie in 2030.

Steven Seagal fighting:  Yes, there is a specific way to fight like SS.  It is undeniable.  In Under Siege, as usual guns are abhorred.  (at least generally.)  But as the "throat rip out" and Tommy Lee "eye pull out" were still "ohhhhhhhhh^^^" inducing in a small crowd, I have to applaud this specific film's Seagal style.

Th writing:  To all Under Siege writing staff;   well done on interesting monologues for Tommy Lee Jones, and finding the best way to get a buxom and silly (and poor actress) Erika Eleniak onto a military vessel for Seagal to stumble upon.  (The answer is: in a cake.)

The explosions:  There aren't that many in Under Siege, but they are acceptable and well crafted as movie explosions go.  Way to go technical crew.


Guys in a backyard on a projection screen: See it

Girls:  If you want... but I wouldn't

Muscle bound?:  It's not that kind of action film

Martial Artists:  Skip it

Military cooks:  See it and dream

On a scale of Charles Bronson to Marlon Brando, I give Under Siege 2.3 out of 5 stars.

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