Sunday, May 6, 2012

Serenity (2005)

I'm prejudice.  I like what I like.  Sci-fi is awesome.  Quirky, silly, well written sci-fi is incredible when done properly.  Quasi-rustlers-smugglers with pirate/cowboy morals in a half-English half-Chinese universe of hazard are in fact the best.  Basically, space cowboys are amazing.  Like I said, I'm prejudice.  Things I love about this movie:  Summer Glau and her fight sequences, great dialogue- (I am leaf on the wind, watch how I soar; or This girl is seriously starting to damage my calm; or Do you know what your sin is?), extreme continuity with the short lived series, Chinese cursing, and Reavers.  If you don't go into the theater with an open mind and love for all of the former, I would expect Serenity to make little sense, and but still entertain.  A goodhearted geek-in is always in order.   


Fan Boys:  Skip it  (Sometimes your enthusiasm and pretensions detract for first-timers.  Besides, you've already seen it more than once.)

George Lucas:  See it  (I just think you like good movies.)

Nathan Fillion:  Keep the DVD on your mantel placed in higher honor than any Castle DVDs.

Members of Congress:  See it  (Know that your kind exists in the future.)

Saffron :  See it  (A showing of Serenity might be the highest concentration of easy marks within a confined area ever.)

On a scale of !!!!!!!! to !!!!!, I give Serenity 4 out of 5 stars.

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