Saturday, April 28, 2012

Good Morning Vietnam (1987)

Typically films that are strict vehicles for actors can only go one of two ways.  Oscar contender with passionate yet small support or oblivion.  Good Morning Vietnam fits into the Oscar contender category.  Yes, it is a vehicle for Robin Williams to be Robin Williams -and yes, it is very very funny.  It even fits to my rule in that Robin was nominated for an Oscar.  He is amazing, but from my perspective it's sort of like watching him do an intentionally dated comedy routine.  I like his performance because I like him.  The movie is far more interesting and poignant than zeitgeist recollection gives it credit.  I especially would like to commend the writer, director, and producers for letting the music carry so much of the movie.  I liked that it was such a jarring dissonance when the the same of images of Vietnam seen before with rock & roll were so different when set to polka and Laurence Welk.  I'm going to put this movie in terms of an SAT analogy.

Young: Old, as The Beach Boys: Laurence Welk, as Vietnam: WWII

Pat Boone:  See it

Robin Williams:  Take a look back at who you were

Nixon:  Skip it

English teachers:  See it for enthusiasm not for methodologies

Those wishing to learn how to do impressions:  Study

On a scale from, and IPOD to a phonograph, I give Good Morning Vietnam 3.6 out of 5 stars.

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