Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Avengers (2012)

This movie is great.  It as directed by Joss Wheadon, so I was cautiously optimistic.  (Firefly, Dollhouse, Buffy, Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog, Serenity, Toy Story, nuff' said.)  I'm not actually going to talk about the story, film process, or special effects today. -They were superb.  I also fully acknowledge that The Avengers will not go down as an AFI top 100 and probably will not be discussed at length in 30 years.  Great movie, Super, I loved it.  Movie industry game changing?.....not really.  But that wasn't really its goal.

What I do want to rant about is movie going expectations, and how to meet/manage them.  In the past, I have spoke to friends about why Road House deserves to be called an amazing movie.  It's not actually that great, but as a film, it knows exactly what it is supposed to be and delivers on all counts.  No one is every disappointed by Road House.  And so today, I claim that I found a movie of similar quality in The Avengers.  There are no pretensions in this film.  It is what it is.  It set out to be a visual spectacle with monsters superheroes, and a whole lot of fun.  It succeeded.  That in itself make it worth seeing.  You will not be disappointed.  The real reason I tip my cap to this movie and Joss Wheadon is that it had so much potential to fail, but yet didn't.  We've known this movie was coming out since Iron Man in 2008.  It stars 7 legitimate lead actors (RDJR, Thor, Samuel, Cap'n, Hulk, Jeremy Renner, and Scarlet Jo) and Robin Sparkles. Oh and did I mention that "The Avengers" as cannon are sacrosanct to fan boys everywhere.  In my mind, there was in fact no way to meet expectations.  Joss Wheadon you are a genius.

Everybody:  See it

Chaplin:  See it  (Your style slapstick.)

Gods:  See it  (Know what we are capable of.)

Students of film:  See it  (Shot selection is out of control cool.)

Curmudgeons:  See it  (Even you won't leave disappointed.)

On a scale of lobster to filet minon, I give The Avengers 4.2 out of 5 stars.         

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