Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

"Fugazi, Fugazi. It's a wazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust." (Mark Hanna: Matthew McConaughey)

I get that I was supposed to be appalled by this movie.  I UNDERSTAND!  Our American culture of materialism and money is fundamentally flawed and a corruption of its original "possibly" noble intent.  OKAY!  THANK YOU MR. SCORSESE! I DID NOT KNOW THAT.

But for seriousness, I had never thought I would see a Scorsese movie that was a pure hammer. No frills just a complete barrage of THE THESIS.  A dirty disgusting drug-filled, debauch of decadence, depravity, and dicks (anatomy and people).

So as that was the goal.  Well done everyone involved.  It was well acted, wonderfully written, beautiful in a way, and funny at points. Take bows everyone.

Unfortunately, I don't think that the hammer approach was the best way to make this particular statement.  (I may be in the minority.)  I cinematically and culturally would have appreciated the Wolf of Wall Street without the sensationalism. The total truth would be much more unnerving to me than this dramatization.  It also might have been too much to handle without the hyperbole. Without all the over the top just wouldn't seem enough like the real wall street.  How weird is that?

Oh but the whole scene of DeCaprio on ludes, having to roll down the stairs and drive his ferrari was epic.

On a scale of wine in a bottle for 13 years to ludes in a bottle for 13 years, I give the Wolf of Wall Street 3.8 out of 5 stars.


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