Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Intolerable Cruelty (2003)

"Darling, you're exposed."  (Miles Massey, Marylin Hamilton Rexroth Doyle Massey)

"The Massey pre-nup." (Everyone)

Intolerable Cruelty is an acceptable, well-crafted, and occasionally funny movie that does not merit inclusion into the pantheon of either the Coen Brothers or  Rom Coms.  It has many laudable and attributes including great performances, sharp dialogue, classic narrative style, and quirky Coen-nesses, but all of them feel subdued and flat.  Worth one's time once for a second date, but probably not a second viewing.  


Coen Brothers:  I love your movies.  This one is good not great.  It is my least favorite of your catalog to date.  Please keep making movies.  

Classicists:  The plot and structure of Intolerable Cruelty is far to Shakespearean to not have been heavily influenced by one of the bards creations.  I just don't know which one.  If anyone can tell me I would be interested.  

Romantacists:  Skip it

Schisters:  See it

Edward Herrmann: You are a rock star in everything.  Act on!

On a scale of a Bell Boy to a Concierge, I give Intolerable Cruelty 3.3 out of 5 stars.    

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