Monday, November 25, 2013

Bowling for Columbine (2002)

"Don't you think it's a little dangerous to hand out guns at a bank?" (Michael Moore)
"I wouldn't say anything to them.  I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did." (Marilyn Manson)
"If its a choice between covering a near drowning, and someone with a gun, which do you cover?" (Michael Moore to Reporter)
"The gun, every time." (Reporter)

What a highly disturbing and insightful movie.  It is always a good thing to seek out new opinions perspectives to tough questions.  I must admit that I don't own a gun, I don't want to own a gun, and I am generally surrounded by people who don't own guns and don't want to own guns.  I do know many hunters.  However, it is an entirely different perspective to hunt than to keep a gun for protection.  I remember going on a hiking trip in Wyoming, and one of my group insisting that we needed to bring along a hand gun for protection against bears.  I found this dubious and dangerous, and thus he had to carry the gun himself.  We never even came close to seeing a bear.

As for Bowling for Columbine, I think that a movie on the topic of guns and gun related violence in America, can only go so far.  The topic cannot be contained in one movie.  The topic is just too big.  I appreciate Michael Moore's opinions and the way in which he put forth information on a serious subject in a lighthearted manner for the purposes of sparking discussion and self reflection.  That is a noble cause.

Members of well-regulated militias: See it
NRA members: See it
Television News Editors:  See it
Want to be on COPS?: Take your shirt off.
Thinking of committing a violent act with a gun:  Please seek help, tragedies can be avoided.

On a scale of a 10 pin bowling to a 10 point buck, I give Bowling for Columbine 3.69 out of 5 stars.

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