Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Karate Kid part II (1986)

"Do you think you could break a log like that?" (Daniel)
"Don't know.  Never been attacked by tree." (Mr. Miyagi)

I'm actually leaning towards pronouncing that the Karate Kid part II is a better movie than The Karate Kid.  I don't mean that part II is anywhere near the icon of the 1980's that part I is...but in terms of acting, story, storytelling, editing, directing, and music, part II may hold an edge.  (This may just be a simple outcome of that part II had a greater budget and was made at a slower pace.)

It makes me wonder why so many other unplanned part II's fail so miserably.  Do they push production in order to better capture the diminishing hype of the original?  Do they cut costs below the original in order to recoup greater percentage profits?  I think of the Karate Kid part II as an example of sequel that works and does not in anyway tarnish the original.  (ohhh but part III does....oh it so totally does.)

There are two things that I think an average view should try to take in while watching the Karate Kid part II. The first is that the music of the movie is outstanding.  Just listen.

The second is that Tamlyn Tomita should have
 been a bigger star.  She was clearly the best actress in the movie and better than Macchio.


Real Okinawans:  Saw it in 1986.  It does feature the Obon dance..but very few okinawans.  It might be better to skip it

Karate experts:  Skip it

Pat Moritaphiles:  See it  (Must list.) at his most awesome

Those without HONOR:  See it  (learn the perils of fighting foreigners at the mid summer festival in a 16th century castle.)

Grew up in the 80s?:  See it  (always worth a trip into the 80s.)

On a scale of Bittermelon to Watermelon, I give Karate Kid part II 3.75 out of 5 stars.

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