Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Bourne Legacy

"No, no we weened you off the pink ones." (Rachel Weisz)

I'm honestly glad that I watched this in an airport with nothing else to do because it might not have held my attention for the duration without it.

I'm going to preface by saying that I like Edward Norton, Jeremy Renner, and Albert Finny, but this movie was so blah and unimaginative that it would be best to forget about it.

I actually really enjoyed the Bourne Identity and the Bourne Supremecy.  The first one was imaginative and had mystique in addition to originality.  The Bourne Supremecy kept up the mystery charade while adding a truly epic and memorable chase scene through the streets of Moscow.  However, The Bourne Ultimatum missed the mark, and The Bourne Legacy (a not quite reboot) has shot wild of any sort of audience connection.  Shame really.

I will give that there was one scene that I actually enjoyed and that was the one where the psychologists turn out to be assassins.  The acting was perfect in this example of a switcheroo.


Hacks: a must

Want to get paid?: See it

Care about what you watch:  Skip it

Dead horse floggers: See it

Assassins:  it's up to you really... the fighting is ok...but you're an assassin so I assume you have better things to do with your time.

On a scale from Andy Williams singing "Moon River" to Andy Williams singing "Moon River" as an encore to "Moon River", I give The Bourne Legacy 2.3 out of 5 stars.

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