Monday, January 14, 2013

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

"C'mon, Flash, just take the ball." (Peter Parker)

So, this Spider-Man is ok. I love that they chose Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben, and it does feature a brand new (to screen) villain. One might find things to enjoy in this film. I didn't. But,that shouldn't be seen as a negative.

However, I do have a larger question for the Amazing Spider-Man. Why were you made? I don't get it. The "Original" came out a mere ten years ago...and was better. The script was better, the acting slightly better, and the villain was superior. The Amazing Spider-Man added no value over its predecessor. So why did the powers that be make this movie? How could they expect it to be amazing without the passage of more time?


Creatives: skip it

West Wingers: skip it

Super Villains: skip it

Under the age of 8?: see it I guess ( it is rated ask your parents)

Hacks: see it

On a scale of Leroy Brown to MJ, I give The Amazing Spider-Man 2.5 out of 5 stars.

1 comment:

  1. They made it because they have some clause in their contract for the rights to Spider Man that if they didn't make a movie within a certain amount of time they would lose those rights. Basically they had to do it so that they can use Spider Man in movies at a later date, presumably in a Justice League film.
