"We could be looking at a MEGA-Tsunami."
Yup, A Korean disaster movie. The "first" Korean disaster movie. Okay, I admit it was bad. Really really bad. But, I'm going to spend this post talking about how and why Tidal Wave was amazing. Because in a non-cinematic, or "proper" way it was utterly fantastic.
Here is what I loved about Tidal Wave:
1. It was so simple. No illusions about what was going to happen in Tidal Wave. There is, amazingly, a tidal wave. That's really basically all that happens. They don't stop it. They don't even fight against it. It just rolls over Busan. Simple. Yes, there is a plot...but that really just serves to have characters in key geographies and across the strata of Korean society.
2. It was so easy to turn into a game. Before watching Tidal Wave, I made a series of rules that would allow me to enjoy the movie more thoroughly.
Rule #1 Whenever a character says the words tidal wave, tsunami, or earthquake
Rule #2 If a character ever has to go into a dangerous situation to save a child or animal.
Rule #3 If a character says " I love you." while dying or in a near death situation.
Rule #4 Whenever a character has to say "Over here!"
Rule #5 Anytime a character or characters should have listened to the "Jeff Goldblum" esque charcter who had been predicting the tidal wave. (Ala Jurassic Park.)
I went five for five in predicting this movie. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Korean critics: Saw it and probably said it was the best Korean disaster movie ever!!
Surfers: See and think about riding the most epic wave.
Jeff Goldblum: See it. Everyone should always know to listen to you.
K-Beach girls during the 5-6 weeks of official beach season: Skip it. Stay on the beach.
Got Netflix and want to have an above average time watching a film?: Totally
On a scale from 2NE1 to Wondergirls, I give Tidal Wave 2.!!* out of 5 stars.
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