Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rudy (1993)

"I want Rudy to dress in my place, Coach."  (Notre Dame -captain 1975)  *Never really happened, but I don't care.

While I am not classically athletic, I do like sports.  I also have a soft spot for sports movies. They're pretty much all the same, but I love them anyway.  Here is an example of a standard plot.

Team/Individual is bad or has a cultural obstacle to overcome.

Team/Individual encounters set backs

Inspirational coach or mentor shows up and teaches a lesson about inner worth

The team/individual finds it within themselves to win ( With inspirational music and montages of winning.)

Seriously, that's how basically all of these work.  They're so simple and heartwarming.

While Rudy definitely falls into this category of "sports movie".  There are three things that set it apart.  1.  A great performance from Sean Astin (Did you know his mother was Patty Duke?) 2.  Rudy is not about winning.  and 3. An impressive and often stolen soundtrack by Jerry Goldsmith.

Yeah seriously, Rudy is not about winning.  One in a million sports movie on that one.  Rudy's goal is to play.    It's nice to see a movie that has its priorities straight.

Here's a link to the theme if you've never heard it.  (which is unlikely.)  Way to go Jerry G.


Hoosiers:  See it (Rudy was made by many of the same people.)

Players:  See it

Winners:  Skip it

Talented?:  See it

Talentless?:  See it

On a scale of Rocky Left-Handed in Rocky I to Rocky Right-Handed in Rocky II, I give Rudy 3.7 out of 5 stars.


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