Monday, September 24, 2012

Ricky Oh -The Story of Ricky (1991)

"Why didn't you let the doctors take the five bullets out of you?" -Prison Guard
"Souvenirs."  -Ricky

Wow!! Just Wow!! Unbelieveable!  If there were ever a movie that is a pure manifestation of why people went to the movies beyond the Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Ricky Oh -The Story of Ricky is it.

*Side note, I had always wondered where that gif of a man crushing another man's head like a watermelon that they used for "5 questions" on The Daily Show came from.  It's from Ricky Oh.


Quick plot:  Far into the future in the year 2001, a Ricky is sent to a privatized prison for assault.  The prison is a facade for organized brutality and gang-related drug trafficking under the watchful "eye" of the sublieutenant warden and his overlord warden Cobra.  Ricky, proceeds to fight, and then fight, and then fight some more until the prisoners are free of tyranny.  Did I mention, that Ricky is so strong he can literally rip people apart and punch through them.

The Highs:
1 Gore, gore, blood, splatter, and more cheesy shocking gore.
2 The version I watched was dubbed from Cantonese into Mandarin and given English subtitles.
3 The sublieutenant warden is so bad.  So bad.  He has one eye and one glass eye that he keeps mints in.  The walls of his office are stacked 10 feet high with horrifying porn.  His right hand is combination hook and tongs.  He eats his steak with his hook, and nothing else.   (I think he may also be responsible for the building of special trap cells within the prison.  One of them fills with wet concrete, and the other has the ceiling fall and crush inmates.)
4 The final fight scene between Ricky and Warden Cobra (who reveals his true ogre form) that ends with the warden fighting back while being ground up in a meat grinder is spectacular.

The Lows:
There really are no lows to this movie.  Just more gore.  At some point, you just give up and the lows become highs.    


Kung Fu experts:  Skip it

Prison planners:  See it

You can tie your own tendons back together when they are severed?:  You are Ricky Oh.  You clearly saw it.

Writers:  See it  (That Sublieutenant Warden is so bad.)

Kids:  Perhaps not until you are 13-4 (Seriously, there is a lot of gore.)

On a scale of Texas Chain Saw Massacre to Shoot Em' Up, I give Ricky Oh -The Story of Ricky 3.4 out of 5 stars.

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