"What? It's John Wayne." [Leon] Jean Russo
There is a lot I could talk about in this often missed classic; Jean Russo, and Luc Besson should give classes on how to actually make a bad-ass cinematically; This was Natalie Portman's movie debut and she is way way way too young to give a performance like this; and Luc Basson accomplishes a veritable double back double twist with no splash, by successfully creating a basically impossible balance of heart, suspense, and action. But,
I want to talk about Gary Oldman. I've been trying to think for the past like 5 minutes of a movie where I didn't just love Gary Oldman. He is a consummate professional. I even watched a terrible movie where he could have totally phoned in a check...and nope his performance was perfect. In The Professional, Gary Oldman plays the vicious, vain, and yet still somehow charming CIA agent Norman Stansfield. It's a beautiful portrayal of the truly psychotic. The best part of his performance was clearly when he thinks he has been exposed and that our protagonists have escaped: his response "get everyone. [quietly]" "GET EVERYONE!" Gary Oldman is a true master.
Real hitmen: Skip it
Faux-hitmen: See it
Danny Aielo: Yup
Lonely like Leon?: See it
Want to appreciate the marvel of a Thriller, but yet heartfelt (and not appropriate) love story?: See it
On a scale of Mr. Big http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mister_Big_(Rocky_and_Bullwinkle) to Mr. Big http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Big_(band) , I give Leon: The Professional 3.87 out of 5 stars.
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