Thursday, July 5, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

"That may have been the best pitched campsite I have ever seen.  I would have given it a commendable at inspection." (Scoutmaster Ward: Edward Norton)  Wes Anderson films are by nature visually stunning in all the ways a blockbuster isn't.  Color, framing, shot selection, angle, and filter are all used to achieve the exact effect that Wes Anderson desires.  Wes Anderson seems to make movies that are all perfect according to him, and that's all there is to it.  I really hope he just keeps making them.  The more of them I watch, the more I want to compare Anderson to Yasujiro Ozu.  If you are good at one thing: do it well.   It's nice to watch a true master refine and perfect his craft.  Each movie; a wave that crashes further up the shore than the last.

In Moonrise Kingdom, Wes Anderson took on a topic that I thought might turn out to be borderline audience scqueem inducing: very very young adolescent love.  Our protagonists are a 12 year old boy and 13 year old girl who run away together after having fallen in love (Spoiler Alert:  They even get married.).  Anderson was very smart to set the story in 1965.  Without that decision, the audience may not have been so understanding of the emotional/and physical actions of our young couple in love.  The sixties give the story just enough of whimsy and adolescent indulgence to alleviate audience fears about the age appropriate-ness of Suzy and Sam's relationship.  (Don't be surprised if Kara Hayward (Suzy) and Jared Gilman (Sam) go on to be very talented actors.)

On other points, Wes Anderson's ensemble cast was up to the challenge as usual.  "There are only small actors."  I especially like that Tilda Swinton stars as a character without a name.  She is only referred to as Social Services.  It was a wonderful quirky touch.

Edward Norton was a great scoutmaster.


Boy Scouts:  See it......but only if your scoutmaster thinks it's appropriate

Social Services:  See it.  Check-out the great costumes you used to wear.

Doris Day:  Watch for the beach homage to your movies

Davy Crockett:  Your hat is back.

20 year older you:  Go back and watch it again.  I think this movie will most likely age positively.

On a scale of Tofu with rice to Tofu in soy sauce, I give Moonrise Kingdom 3.8 out of 5 stars.

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