Monday, January 2, 2012

St. Elmo's Fire (1985)

First off, this song is underrated and awesome .  More movies should have theme songs that include the name of the movie.    Of all of the "brat pack" 80's movies, this one had soul, integrity, grit and unfortunately was slightly forgettable.  I do like that it took on the topic of post college graduation malaise at a time when getting an undergraduate degree was seen as a true accomplishment.  I can't think of any films on this topic since "The Graduate".  In total the film followed the strict John Hugh-esque format of providing a kaleidoscope of characters tackling various post college problems:  spending too much money, love, independence, adulthood, career choices, marriage, etc.  There were many things to like about this movie.  Rob Lowe looked great with a feathered mullet.  Watching Rob Lowe deal with his really awkward saxophone prop was equally awesome.  I also found it interesting to count how many scenes had alcohol of some sort in them. (basically every scene.)  Lastly, the cast seemed to have a very nice ensemble factor that improved the overall movie.


People listing to "glory days":  See it

Korean business tycoons: See it

Georgetown graduates: See it

Saxophiles:  Miss it

Greeting card distributors: Miss it

On a scale of Dr. Vegas to Settlers of Catan, I give St. Elmo's Fire a 2.7 out of 5 stars.    

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