Knocked up seemed to be of two minds on the subject pregnancy, commitment, and relationships. In my experience, divergent themed movies don't tend to work out well. On one hand the movie did an excellent job creating the story of a man with no ambition, who after impregnating a woman, finds his inner spark and starts his own life. Most of the jokes made fall into the "denial" stage of grief management. Our heroin's journey is a strict and standard work/life balance drama. Conversely, the movie presents a supposedly happy couple that is in denial on the opposite end of the spectrum of relationships. Obviously, I think the story is supposed to be amorphous and messy. After all, that is the way of life. But, somewhere I missed in all the jokes any sort of clear message that would have vaulted this movie out of it's paradigm. As it stands it is just a very good, very funny, bi-polar rom-com. All the actors did excellent jobs. I like Harold Ramis in just about anything. Additionally, Jason Segel and Jonah Hill were above averagely funny.
First date high schoolers: See it
Gurus: Skip it
People who love being lazy: See it
Fans of one-line ziggers: See it
Romantics waiting for perfection: Skip it
On a scale of Chester Cheetah to Count Chokula, I give Knocked Up 2.9 out of 5 stars.
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