Thursday, January 31, 2019

Vice (2018)

Vice (2018 film poster).png
"What do we believe?" -Dick Cheney

In sort of a strange tribute to nihilism, Adam McKay created a bracing portrait of Dick Cheney.  And its utter garbage.  And that's the point. So, well done......? But, also....No, No, No, No, No, This absurdist farce is like gum from one's shoe on the wall at the MET. And thus, as a film, I think it fails utterly.  As a bold faced critique of current American reality, I expect film schools in 20 years (if those will even exist...) will consider VICE iconic.

I especially hated the Shakespeare bit. I think audiences members like me were supposed to.

Christian Bale is ridiculous as Dick Cheney. But so much so that I forget to laud him...which makes the transformation more complete.  Unfortunately,  he also submerges the performance to the goals of the film, it is ultimately forgettable.

1.6 out 5 stars.

What will future historians think of us?

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