Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Chappaquiddick (2018)

Image result for chappaquiddick movie
"The bay of pigs was better a better run operation." -Robert McNamara

In a very brave bit of decision making the John Curran,  Chappaquiddick's director, chose to pull the curtain back on half of Roshomon. The payoff could be huge if we accept that the events presented in the film are both real and made up....and that a person has the ability to curtail aspects of both in to a singular version moving forward that is agreed upon.  -history is just a bunch of agreed upon lies.

Unfortunately, the gamble did not pay off. Even a solid cast,  decent writing, and a very good performance by Jason Clarke could not over come the fatal flaw of this unreal telling of alternative history. It is not in the nature of the audience to be highly informed and most expect Hitchcockian directives on what to think. This is my opinion with regard to mass appeal.

Thus, Chappaquiddick ended up meaning very little, historically, theatrically, emotionally, et all. If I hadn't been in the minority that wanted to know a little more about the historical events, it may have tanked harder. Curiosity is not a great motivator for selecting/going out to see a film.  It's enough when you are stuck on a plane though.

Clancy Brown. Please be in more things.  Please voice more things. I consider you a consummate professional actor.

2.4 out of 5 stars.

In an alternate reality, I would like to make a Roshomon film about Chappaquiddick. First, we'd watch Kennedy's version, then we'd watch Ms. Kopechne's version through a medium, then we'd watch from the perspective of Joe Gargan.

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