Thursday, March 15, 2018

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)

Image result for jack ryan shadow recruit

"Now!" -several characters

This is what I get for being a little sick and uncaring when on netflix.

First, I think movies like this actually add to a climate for fear in general and stoke antagonism between nations, in this case the USA and Russia. So.... It might be time to reconsider making them.

Beyond, I think "Cold War" Tom Clancy and his All-American hero taking on Russians is a bygone stereotype long dead.  We would do well not to try and revive it.

Lastly, I expect more from you, Kenneth Branagh. I admit you took something that in lesser hands could have been found on the bottom of my shoe and turned it into a passable film, but my question is Why? Why this project? and why that accent? -I trust you as performer and a director, and Jack Ryan in no way will diminish my respect for your talent...but if someday we meet, I might ask about this particular Russian accent.

So in short. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is longer than necessary, with acceptable acting, slightly strange accents, and nothing worth investing one's emotions or time in. Making it simply a forgettable action film.

I think this kind of a trend, I am noticing in the Action genre in general. Nothing new has happened in many years.  The whole field has been played out -see Red and The Expendables.

From Chris Pine to Chris Pratt, I give Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 2.2 out of 5 stars.

It's officially Chris Pine has moved into last place in my "Chris" rankings. 

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