Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The World Is Not Enough (1999)

Dr. Christmas Jones: Wait a minute. Are you going to do what I think you're going to do?
James Bond: What do I need to defuse a nuclear bomb?
Dr. Christmas Jones: Me.

In my mind The World Is Not Enough (TWINE) is the clear second best Bond of the Brosnan era. My only real critique is that Denise Richards is terrible. Awful.

It's a kind of a testament to creativity, that the writers of TWINE can maintain a semblance of a plot while really just providing a backdrop for sexual puns and getting women into wet t-shirts or tight one piece body suits. TWINE may have been actually written backwards with base needs arrived at first and the story created to fulfil those needs. The story they got to ain't half bad. -it's got oil, Russian gangsters, Stockholm syndrome, a man who feels no pain, and a threat of atomic bombs. So it's very much in the acceptable category of Bonds.

But what I want to talk about is the absurdity that is the parahawk fight/chase sequence.  It's a little strange that James Bond always ends up unarmed on skis while other men on skis chase him, but TWINE is the clear winner in ludcrocity.

Flying fan-powered snowmobiles.  Yup. I did not mistype.

Part of me says "That's cool.", but another part of me asks...."who invented those? and why? Isn't it just stupidly difficult to control them and impractical for all scenarios?". Yes and likely yes.

Finally, I will always tip my hat to Robbie Coltrane. Valentine Zukofsky will be missed.

On a scale Bond Villain to SGU, I give The World Is Not Enough 2.77 out of 5 stars. 

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