Saturday, June 17, 2017

For Your Eyes Only (1981)

Melina: I don't expect you to understand, you're English, but I'm half Greek and Greek women like Elektra always avenge their loved ones!

James Bond: That's detente, comrade; *You* don't have it, *I* don't have it.

I think this might be the most middling of the James Bonds. It simply is OK. This may have been on purpose. After the Space Oddity that was Moonraker, it was perhaps time to bring James Bond back to reality. So, the saving the world from a megalomanic mad-man idea was put on hold for a practical story. Britain lost its "ENIGMA" machine, James Bond needs to get it before the Soviets. For Your Eyes Only (FYEO), feels kinda pedestrian with its bad man (Greek Smuggler [Villain of Last Crusade and Grand Maester Pycelle]) simply wanting to sell "ENIGMA" to the soviets. The big signal for this is that Bond finally kills his nemesis Blofeld in the opening sequence. Just an OK Bond.

Things I noticed:

  1. The writers really got creative with how to incorporate every idea they could of winter sports. James Bond even goes off a ski jump. Significantly, better snow battles than OHMSS. 
  2. I am not one who thinks of figure skaters in a sexual or romantic sense. Clearly, the writers of FYEO did, or at least they thought men of 1981 would. The whole plot seems bizarre to me. 
  3. As to why to include so many Winter Sports, I would point to the success of the 1980 Winter Olympics (Miracle on Ice). This may have been a high water mark for interest in these activities. 
  4. I haven't seen yet, but I am going to bet that the Russians will be Bond's general adversary through the 80s. The era of mad-men bent on "Taking over the World" is past.
  5. The 80's hair on Eastern Germans on skis was amazing.
  6. We're getting to the era of Bond where we can see older actors today when they were young -Looking at you Julian Glover and Charles Dance. 
On a scale of K90 to K120, I give For Your Eyes Only 2.86 out of 5 stars.  

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