Saturday, February 4, 2017

Rogue One (2016)

"Rebellions are built on hope." -Jynn Erso

What a sad tale. Really sad. It's a testament to the creators of Rogue One that we cared about new characters enough in such a short amount of time that their deaths provoked emotion. It was like a Charge of the Light Brigade sort of feel. Doom is everywhere, but valor is all, and success lives on.

*I'm a pretty big nerd and each death impressed upon me that the creators of Rogue One seem to have watched Beast Wars and love the death of Dinobot.* Death of Dinobot

Rogue One also impressed upon me the terror of wearing white.  It is a far scarier color than black.  If the villain is wearing white, he/she just seems to have a touch more of evil. Director Crennig's white military uniform with cape was superb.

On a scale of city killer to planet killer, I give Rogue One 3.6 out of 5 stars.

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