Saturday, February 4, 2017

Jason Bourne (2016)

"There's a problem at the heart of Deep Dream" -Aaron Kaloor

Yeesshh....I am not particularly tech savvy, but even I know that all of the tech and all of the talk about technology in Jason Bourne was just pathetic.  Awful.  Cringe-worthy.

And the worst part of all their tech-speak was that it was a central pillar of the plot. It made the whole movie laughable. (I laughed at it. Often.) It was a bad movie without it...Jason Bourne was a car crash disaster that you can totally look away from with it.

Not a single actor gave a passable performance. Tommy Lee Jones just looked like he wanted a check. The Greek scenes were confusing and understood nothing of Greeks, their politics, or their city. The stand in for Zucks was contrite and a hopelessly stupid way to be relevant with the kiddos. The kicker to all this is that all of this was shot on handheld cameras that shake and jostle enough to make a tilta-whirl vomit.

In short, I wish I hadn't seen Jason Bourne.

* Here's a question:  How do you make technology cool again on screen? Upload or download sequences to add tension don't work.  Typing and looking at a screen is boring to watch.  It is the opposite of doing things (anything).  I either want a return to spies being spies and having to earn every bit of knowledge. Alternatively, we can look for ways to make tech meaningful again. Right now it is a boring crutch of a magic wand on screen that allows for lazy writing and poor acting.

On a scale of upload the virus to download the (insert relevant intelligence or money or desired object), I give Jason Bourne 1.3 out of 5 stars. 

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