Monday, January 23, 2017

Dr. Strange (2016)

"Dormammu, I am here to bargain!" -Dr. Strange

I gotta hand it to Marvel -their formula works.  Dr. Strange is pretty good and worth seeing.

I have become benumbed by the idea of visual spectacle as a reason to gawk or lavish a film with praise, but if you only go to the movies for eye candy, Dr. Strange is a treat.  Imagine if MC Esher had access to drugs, a Kaleidoscope, and 90s screen savers, then have him watch Inception; this is what Dr. Strange fight scenes look like.

I additionally want to commend the creators for making a movie without guns.

Finally, it is a rare spectacle to actually witness a movie thats climax is to bring everything back together. In general, action or adventure films use destruction to defeat an enemy as the emotional fodder for showcasing the victors and the vanquished. Dr. Strange brings an entire city back together and saves the day.

On a scale of time as a loop to time as a non-directional, I give Dr. Strange 3.3 out of 5 stars.

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