"I do believe that bear is wearing people clothing." -Jack Faraday -referring to Jack Horne
Another remake. (meta- in this case, because this is a remake of a re-imagining.)
Due to that the original and the homage on which this film were based were fantastic, first and foremost, I would say that this version is not as ground breaking or impactful as its predecessors. Copies lose efficacy with each cycle. However, I really am pleased to say that The Magnificent 7 (2016) is a first rate production worthy of one's time and consideration.
So here's just a list of things I noticed or thought during the movie.
1. I much prefer Eli Wallach to Peter Sarsgaard. Wallach made evil more understandable as a grasp at control in a changing world, while Sarsgaard's evil is just pure theater. Murder and violence as a means to power.
2. You would have thought Denzel Washington would have stolen the show, but he actually takes a surprising fifth in my power ranking of actor performances.
- Vincent D'Onofrio
- His high pitch squeaks about the LOARD are just magical. He is the heir to Toshiro Mifune and Chico.
- Chris Pratt
- Great death! Great opening scene. Perfect 1 liners playing a combination of Harry Luck and Vin from the 1960 version.
- Ethan Hawke
- I don't know if I have ever seen him in a bad role, but his performance as Good Night Robicheaux was really a much better story than that of Lee. (and I liked Robert Vaughn in the the 1960 version.) Redemption takes many forms.
- Lee Byung-hun
- Someone needed to take on the mantle of Charles Bronson, James Corburn, and Seiji Miyaguchi. Those were huge shoes to fill and you were up to the challenge. I look forward to your next project.
- Denzel Washington
- You were never going to be Yul Brenner. You didn't even try. I respect you for that. But, amongst this ensemble your choices did not shine.
3. I wonder if the addition of the rail gun was something the writers added to just infuse the story with a little more senseless violence. We modern cinema watchers are so desensitized to mindless destruction that it seemed strange to only use single shot guns. Hmmmmmmm?
On a scale of 7 Samurai to 7 Gunslingers, I give The Magnificent 7 (2016) 3.8 out of 5 stars.
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