Friday, January 13, 2017

Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong (2015)

"You took a'll never have to regret that." -Ruby

So I took a chance.  On a sleepy morning, when I didn't have to work, and I wanted to watch something/anything on Netflix.  Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong was there and, it filled my desire for anything/something for a brief period. Then it floated away never to be thought of again until the writing of this post. Perfectly innocuous, eminently forgettable, in the moment flirtatiously delightful...but not scary, stupid, or cheating.  Peeps on film.

I think there is a time and a place for films like ATiHK, just like sometimes one just needs Jello.  It's not very often...but it happens.

Nice job,  Emily Ting! You made a very marginal movie just special enough to not make me regret my sleepy morning choice one bit.

On a scale of China (1 time zone) to China (5 times zones), I give Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong 2.3 out of 5 stars. 

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