Monday, February 18, 2013

The Rescuers (1977)

"Ughhhhh Sir, There are thirteen steps on this ladder."  (Bernard)

If you are a fan of this blog, (I'm not sure there are any fans...but) be prepared for a variation on a theme post.  I've written several times about how films age over time and how the movies of youth in general don't hold upon inspection as an adult.  This is the case with The Rescuers.  I still love it.  But, I can't help but notice the glaring plot holes and storytelling errors that I glossed over as a child.  -New Product bolt of lightning!!!  Child Goggles!!!!  (patent pending)-  I guess this is just the way of aging.

Now for me to go on a tear about how The Rescuers will remain cool basically forever.

1.  The cast is nothing but All-Stars.  Eva Gabor and Bob Newhart are perfect.  I also like just about anything with Pat Buttram and Joe Flynn.  (Mr. Haney ahahahahahahahah)
2.  It's beautiful.  This film is water color magic.
3.  The plot is that a little girl is kidnapped to steal a pirate diamond out of a cave while living on a abandon riverboat.
4.  All the animal friends.  My personal favorite is the old turtle who is still wearing his Civil War Southern military cap.
5.  That amazingly cool swamp boat that Medusa drives.
6.  That I still laughed to watch Medusa waterski on Alligators.
7.  The soundtrack sounds like Burt Bacharach, but isn't Burt Bacharach


Kids: See it
Orphans:  Maybe skip it because of the kidnapping...or see it for the ending
United Nations: See it
Wear Fake Eye-lashes?:  See it
Sensitive to Southern Swamp Stereotypes:  Skip it

On a scale of "Off we go into the wild blue yonder" to "Flight of the Valkyries", I give The Rescuers 3.3 out of 5 stars.


  1. I haven't seen this movie in at least twenty years, I remember liking it as a kid, I may have to find a copy and watch it again.
