Thursday, April 5, 2012

Titan AE (2000)

Titan AE is sort of forgotten gem; and rightly so.  But if there were every a movie that would actually benefit from a 3D rerelease it would be Titan AE.  What a beautiful movie.  It is just stunning.  Forgetting the semi-awkward plot, the halting story arch, the weak character interactions/introductions, and above all the way that it is just a little bit too graphic/sex-ish/brutal for kids, Titan AE is just gorgeous.  There are so many super cool elements of this movie that just never quite cross the threshold of potential into undeniable awesome.  The energy based Drej super villains have so much potential as super foes that I sort of want to go back and have a movie where they can really get their due.


Kids:  See it  (Gotta learn about Tech-wars and Titan AE sometime.)

Nathan Lane:  Skip it

Teenagers at heart:  See it

Toy makers:  Skip it  (No kid's want action figures from this...........sad)

Daft Punk:  See it  (Please please please write a new soundtrack to undue the harm done by the current CREED wannabee soundtrack.)

On a scale of Grave of the Fireflies to Mystery Men, I give Titan AE 2.2 wonder stars out of 5.        

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