"Appollonia!!!" -Alexio
Well....I harp on unnecessary sequels quite a bit (understatement). And in this case, I continue to be correct, but it doesn't matter. MM:HWGA is a really just an excuse to have fun. It does and thus we/I did. If your spirit isn't transported by ABBA, then maybe don't go. There is certainly no excuse to claim "bait & switch".
Unusually, I did read a review of MM:HWGA, and unsurprisingly, I disagreed. Yes, they have to pull out "other" ABBA hits to make the film work, but to call them B-sides is wrong. One of Us is a purely great song. (I always want to make a chart to see if I can figure out which of them is cryin and which is lyin.) My contention is that MM:HWGA does more with less than the original. The original seemed to just flow effortlessly (seemed). MM:HWGA worked hard to achieve basically the same.
Bravo, cast, crew, ABBA and the director.
I will give my particular compliments to great performances from Lilly James and Julie Walters.
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