Saturday, July 21, 2018

Set It Up (2018)

Image result for set it up

Honestly Netflix, I am kinda upset at you. With all your learning algorithms, you should know; and I mean KNOW with like precision accuracy, that I will basically watch anything with Lucy Liu.  This blog might be Exhibit B behind that I actually went to see Ecks vs. Sever in the theaters. 1  So....

How is it that Set It Up was not recommended to me like immediately? The ads should have followed me around the internet until I relented. I had to type into the search bar to find it and for that you fail Netflix, FAIL! 

This is an obvious overreaction to a non-problem...but still Netflix. Know your customer. 

There is no real need to critique Set It Up. Competence is in high supply these days. Brilliance is not. But, solid B+ material can and is being made in abundance. It is nice to see that the genre of the Rom-Com is not extinct and that it has a future home on streaming services. Obviously, I would like to see Rom-Coms take more risks and be either brilliant or wretched, but that model isn't exactly a sustainable way to run a long term entertainment industry.    ....maybe a few will slip through the cracks....?

So Set It Up takes basically no risks in a well worn genre. It hits all the highlights and conspicuously avoids any fail opportunities. Thus does it succeed. And, of course, Lucy Liu. 

I liked that two people of color are depicted as successful in their professions and as a realistic couple. Obviously, it's not all roses for the characters, but I like that these roles went to Liu and Diggs. 

I also thought the whole nervous naked peeing thing in an elevator was stupid funny.  Well done. 

2.8 out of 5 stars


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