Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Incredibles 2 (2018)

Image result for incredibles 2
"It means fire, Robert." -Edna Mode

Yeah, I watched another sequel. I know better. I do. But..."this is how they get ya". Honestly, I do feel better about The Incredibles 2 than most sequels. There were 14 years between releases. The length of time between some how makes me feel better. It just does. It makes me think that the sequel was not hastily made or pushed out to capitalize on buzz, but created, at the very least, with intention.

As such, I would say Incredibles 2 was a qualified success. It was markedly different from its predecessor and yet stayed within the boundaries of its world and believability. It was not as good as the original -it just wasn't.

But there were many things to love, if not adore.

  1. Competent Voice Acting and a good script
    1. Brad Bird as Edna Mode should narrate audio books. Or have a podcast.
  2. It was Funny -I would think funnier than the original. I certainly laughed more. 
    1. Reflux ---perfect
      1. “Name's Reflux. Medical condition or super power, you decide.”
    2. Jack-Jack's fight with the Racoon
      1. Better than many real fights. 
  3. Dedication to the details
    1. What makes PIXAR movies special to me is that, while they do not use the most detailed or technologically sophisticated imagery in their styling. They always ALWAYS have the character behave and emote so that the audience is ensorceled.  
      1. Exhibit A for me was Violet milking out her nose. They went the extra mile. 
        1. 1
One thing I will say is that I was a little confused as to the underlying "uber-man" esque quality of being a Super within the world of the Incredibles. I don't think that there's necessarily anything wrong with stories about certain people being blessed with abilities and others not- as a general. Yet, the cultural structures come undone when you start working real-world issues like law and equality into the mix.

3.73 out of 5 stars. 

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