Saturday, June 23, 2018

Ocean's 8 (2018)

Image result for ocean's 8"There are barely any Russians that aren't hackers." -Lou

Heist movies are fun. They just are. I like them. I enjoyed Ocean's 8. Others probably will too. Yet that is extent of the uniquely positive things I have to say. (and I may be have been influenced by The Solo movie here...) Having good materials and technique does a masterpiece not make. It just means it was set up as best it could for success.  And to use a painting metaphor, I think heist movies in particular need to hide their brush strokes. Knowing how it is all done, ruins the con on the audience. Ocean's 8 was a lot more paint by numbers.

So given that Ocean's 8 had a mildly positive outcome despite its promising set up, here are somethings I already knew. Sandra Bullock can act and is pretty funny. Assembling a team of misfits is probably the most satisfying element of any heist movie. If you hire good actors you will get generally good results. (No one in the cast was outstanding, but no one was terrible either.) And, to have an impactful twist, one first must set up the impossibility of success. (Ocean's 8 kinda failed on this one.)

2.8 out of 5

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